We're in our 25th year of providing technology and operations productivity iimprovements and cost reductions for the retail automobile dealership. During that time, we've been privileged to work with many of the finest dealer principals in the US. We constantly look for ways to reduce costs of technology and dealership operations in addition to seeking ideas that can improve media $$ effectiveness and sales productivity
So.. what do we do? Quite simply, we work for you: the dealer principal.
First, we remove the fog of technology marketing from the accurate assessment of technology needs of your dealership.
Secondly, we ensure that technology vendors propose and supply solutions precisely focused on technology needs of your dealership.
Thirdly, we ensure that your contracts with technology vendors meet the solutions, financial, operational and support requirements of your dealership.
Take a look at Dealership Services to know more about our services!
Contact us: (212) 265-4032 or email David Brookshire at dbrookshire@yourstaffplus.com